Friday, May 26, 2006

haha. time to close down blogs la uh.

i need school to start.
else the whole world is too free..

tsktsk. stop bothering us, everybody.
you can be jealous but just dont tell us. we dont need to know..

see!! i said ignorance is bliss..


Monday, May 22, 2006

So I've closed the other blog, just wanna say be careful what you blog, ahhaa, even here, things can be seen, and you may be unfortunate to offend sensitive people, so its best to just not say anything at all even when you have the right to.People take everything said so personally, when there'e nothing personal involved. *shrugs.And chrisssssss, get some more sleep la you. HAHA!

love................. FERLY!

mes-amies | 12:16 PM

Sunday, May 21, 2006

blessings blessings blessings blessings blessings

yep i got into nus business if you don't already know. really very contented. but saw the silly adverts on tv ahhh wells that's what competition with smu does for you.i don't think anyone from ac's going so it's going to be very different in culture. don't know whether that's what i want now.. maybe i'll miss the excitement. but yes i shouldn't be complaining because i even managed to make it there with my grades.

hmm tessa yeah maybe louie's right. because it's gonna be hard to motivate youself.. and that uni (forgot how to spell and don't wanna embarrass myself by spelling it wrongly =P) is not all bad right? hmm. but ultimately it's your decision yeah =) and we'll support you no matter what you choose. how's moving coming along?

and so i'm still sick rahh. i've come to realise that late nights and ice cream and chocolate and wedges and curly fries are not good for you when you're sick. maybe i should stop eating them for now!

settler's cafe. thursday night anyone? hmmm. or wed night?
hmmm. who's game?
